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Den Rooy Clinics
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Cocaine addiction

Cocaine, or coke, is a very popular drug because of its very fast mood-enhancing effect. One experiences a high degree of euphoria, and self-confidence increases immediately. It suppresses fatigue, making it particularly effective in high-performance, high-pressure occupations. However, cocaine is expensive and is therefore often used in the higher income segment. Because coke use has a depressive rebound, individuals quickly tend to use again, in increasing amounts, to compensate for the depressive feelings. This leads to more and more regular cocaine use.  


Consequences of Cocaine use:

With regular use, there will soon be an increase in the severity of physical and psychological drawbacks after use. The nasal passages become damaged, resulting in chronic bleeding. Because cocaine inhibits the appetite, there is a decrease in fitness and stamina. These are all triggers to start using cocaine again. One ends up in the vicious circle of addiction.


Treatment of cocaine addiction

A cocaine addiction is not so much a physical addiction, but rather a mental addiction. The urge for euphoria will remain in the memory.  Building self-confidence and self-esteem are essential to prevent relapse. During a three to four week residential stay at Den Rooy Clinics you will learn to stay clean and prevent relapse in the future. Aftercare contacts and refresher sessions are essential for lasting recovery.



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Frequently Asked Questions

View our FAQ

How much does a treatment in Den Rooy Clinics cost

The costs of a treatment are indicated in the relevant program and depend on the number of days of stay. We only offer help to self-payers.

Is Den Rooy Clinics an addiction clinic?

We see our clinic as a treatment center and not an addiction clinic in a general sense.

Where is Den Rooy Clinics located?

Centrally located in the Benelux, between Antwerp and Breda.


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+32 (0) 3 293 79 98

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Contact us directly by phone: +32 3 293 7998

We are available during office hours from 9.00 -17.30 (Mon-Fri). Outside office hours please leave a voice message and we will get back to you within 12 hours. Alternatively, you can fill in your contact details on our website and we will contact you within 12 hours.

See also our page: FAQ’s - frequently asked questions for more information