Gambling Addiction
Taking a gamble in a casino or online is very normal and can be fun when we can roll with winning or losing. With a gambling addiction, however, we are faced with a completely different situation. The thrill of winning and the tension in the build-up release large amounts of dopamine! Dopamine is a key chemical in the reward system of the brain. One feels a high after winning and after losing the disappointment demands a repeat of the positive kick. In the end, no one wants to lose. A big additional lure is that while gambling one forgets the environment for a while with all its worries, stress and discomfort. By gambling regularly, you step out of reality, as it were. It can become an anesthetic similar to alcohol.
The consequences of a gambling addiction
The consequences of a gambling addiction include a depressed feeling when one does not gamble and, of course, the inevitable financial loss when one does. Both invite you to start gambling again. We end up in a vicious circle with all the negative financial, social, and psychological consequences.
Treatment of gambling addiction
Neuro Electrical Stimulation and physical exercise also produce dopamine. These will certainly play an important role during your stay at Den Rooy Clinics. Cognitive behavioural therapy and relapse prevention are also essential.
Frequently Asked Questions
View our FAQ
How much does a treatment in Den Rooy Clinics cost
The costs of a treatment are indicated in the relevant program and depend on the number of days of stay. We only offer help to self-payers.
Is Den Rooy Clinics an addiction clinic?
We see our clinic as a treatment center and not an addiction clinic in a general sense.
Where is Den Rooy Clinics located?
Centrally located in the Benelux, between Antwerp and Breda.
Contact us
+32 (0) 3 293 79 98Or send an email to
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Contact us directly by phone: +32 3 293 7998
We are available during office hours from 9.00 -17.30 (Mon-Fri). Outside office hours please leave a voice message and we will get back to you within 12 hours. Alternatively, you can fill in your contact details on our website and we will contact you within 12 hours.
See also our page: FAQ’s - frequently asked questions for more information