Claudia Aben
PA en administratie
Claudia is Marc Freijzer's right-hand man and responsible for the administration/accounting at den Rooy Clinics. Working at the reception, she will often act as the first point of contact for our clients. Her extensive experience in business, including in management positions, makes her a real all-rounder.
Contact us
+32 (0) 3 293 79 98Or send an email to
info@denrooyclinics.comADMISSION IS POSSIBLE WITHIN 24 HOURS
Contact us directly by phone: +32 3 293 7998
We are available during office hours from 9.00 -17.30 (Mon-Fri). Outside office hours please leave a voice message and we will get back to you within 12 hours. Alternatively, you can fill in your contact details on our website and we will contact you within 12 hours.
See also our page: FAQ’s - frequently asked questions for more information