Aftercare at Den Rooy Clinics
Aftercare is necessary for sustainable results
Most clinics do not even offer or are weak in the area of aftercare. We know from experience that this period is the most difficult phase in the recovery process. This is phase where you will test the newly learned skills in practice.
Aftercare and refresher treatment in our clinic
We offer you various options relating to the aftercare process directly connected to your stay. During the aftercare process, you will regularly return to your soothing and familiar surroundings. You continue to initiate change and remain active in the therapy processes with your trusted practitioners. This makes Den Rooy Clinics unique and significantly improves the result. In the event of a relapse, we also offer you the possibility to return immediately so that damage is limited.
'Refresh' treatment as permanent aftercare
Most mental illnesses have a so-called 'chronic character'. This means that after a long time one can regress into old behaviors. For this reason, we recommend an annual refresh of one week’s duration. The onset of relapse is usually gradual and subtle; during the refresher week, we take a close look at the threat of relapse, old behavioral and mental patterns, and effective counter-measures.
DRC aftercare by our counselors
Some of our counselors offer DRC aftercare from their own location in the country. This allows a reintegration at your work or company to take place gradually and we prevent a possible relapse.
Contact us
+32 (0) 3 293 79 98Or send an email to
info@denrooyclinics.comADMISSION IS POSSIBLE WITHIN 24 HOURS
Contact us directly by phone: +32 3 293 7998
We are available during office hours from 9.00 -17.30 (Mon-Fri). Outside office hours please leave a voice message and we will get back to you within 12 hours. Alternatively, you can fill in your contact details on our website and we will contact you within 12 hours.
See also our page: FAQ’s - frequently asked questions for more information